Coming Soon

Becky Bloomsfield for readers aged 8 – 11 years.

As I enter the kitchen, I see Penny standing at the cooker, stirring a large pan of Bolognese sauce and now she’s wearing mum’s apron. I clench my fists as I catch Dad smiling at her, the way he used to smile at Mum, his sea blue eyes crinkling at the corners.

Ever since Mum died life has been hard for eleven-year-old Becky Bloomsfield, but everything gets turned upside down when Dad brings home his new girlfriend, Posh Penny! 

Not only does Becky feel like her mum is being replaced, but Dad no longer seems to have time for her either! Everything becomes so much harder when she is accused of stealing and falls out with her best friend Cassie.

Will Becky get her dad and her best friend back? or has life as Becky knew it changed forever?

I’ve been working really hard behind the scenes getting this book ready for publication. It’s been great fun and hopefully soon you will get to meet 11 year old Becky and her younger brother Milo.

Book Festival

And so the season begins! I love going to book festivals, so it’s a complete honour when I’m invited to take part in them. The best part is chatting with kids about the books they read, and what makes them choose them. Is it cover design? The blurb? Or have they heard of the author from someone else. Reading for pleasure is a lifelong habit and one which should be encouraged. Our libraries are doorways to other worlds, a safe space, and are free! Now you can’t get better than that!

Looking forward to meeting the other authors taking part and to meeting new readers!

A Day Out…

It’s been a while since I’ve posted, I’ve been kept busy with a couple of exciting writing projects!

However, I managed to sneek off to Cardiff for the day to promote Will’s War with my publisher.

Candy Jar Books

Book Review…



Whilst it is entirely lovely to get book reviews from children, it is also thrilling when adults read and enjoy your book.  Here is a snippet of a recent review. I have had to edit it as there are spoilers!

‘I finished my paperback of Will’s War yesterday and found it such a great adventure! He really went through the wringer after he got placed on a farm then was forced to work on the ship. I wondered if Will looks up Elizabeth, Frank and Charlie in the future and even visits them when they are elderly or their grandkids?

Thanks for a fab book!’


Will’s War is shortly to be published on Kindle (possibly even free for a short time – shhh) I will keep you all updated!