Book Festival

And so the season begins! I love going to book festivals, so it’s a complete honour when I’m invited to take part in them. The best part is chatting with kids about the books they read, and what makes them choose them. Is it cover design? The blurb? Or have they heard of the author from someone else. Reading for pleasure is a lifelong habit and one which should be encouraged. Our libraries are doorways to other worlds, a safe space, and are free! Now you can’t get better than that!

Looking forward to meeting the other authors taking part and to meeting new readers!

February …

So we have arrived in February, very wet and windy and looking forward to the better weather. With that in mind I’ve added a quote and some lovely flowers for the month of love.



“I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”
Maya Angelou